How do I learn best.

I learn best when I can touch and feel so I won’t forget. I also learn best when I practice a lot, learn better when it’s easy obviously and when it’s well explained. Also when I can train and ask for help when I need it and that’s how it stays in my head. Another possibility for me to learn the best is to study during the night for a long time before going to sleep and in the morning everything is fresh and it comes automatically, just need to read it and practice for like 3 more minutes and then everything is in my head. I think something happens in the brain during the night after revising.

My expectations for the technology class.

My expectation for this technology class is to learn a lot about technology obviously  because I really like it but I’m not truly good at it. I’m  looking forward to tech class because it seems like a great and hard working class. I’m also looking forward to the individual and groups projects, fun activities, and other learning activities for us students to develop new technology skills and learning. Learning more about computers and many other electronics, I guess will be fun and exciting especially if we learn things in a fun and interesting way that students will easily learn and hold back.